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About Us

Welcome to the New Club of Annapolis, established in 2018 in fond recognition of the New Club of St. Andrews which sits astride the 18th Hole on the Olde Course. The New Club of Annapolis sits astride no course but will entertain offers from golf courses in the region as long as they will erect a clubhouse for club activities.

Membership in our club recognizes the commitment and devotion to the game of golf and all of its attendant rules, manners and courtesies.  Members who joined in 2018 are charter members and will not be subject to the New Club Loyalty Oath and NDA all new members will be forced to sign. 

Along with the special social interactions that come with belonging to club membership, the club hosts various tournaments throughout the year and a club championship.  In this our initial year of play, members can partake of these tournaments, one in early summer, and then seek to win the club championship in the fall.  It is expected that champions will be named in binary categories for men and women and these champions will enjoy special rights and privileges like access to a brand new car, membership at Augusta, a sleeve of Top Flights -- something they can treasure for their accomplishments.

Membership is open to other applicants but be forewarned the vetting process is rigorous and may involve the distribution of funds to selected individuals.     

Reverse every natural instinct and do the opposite of what you are inclined to do, and you will probably come very close to having a perfect golf swing
— a wise man once said

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